
Friday, October 15, 2010


As of recently Oakley has found her voice. We always thought she would notice it first based on her "silly cries" as we called them.  They simply sounded like she was faking it with small cooing and laughter.  Originally she disliked the swing as well but lately I have been putting her there in the mornings so I can get things ready for the day.  

This is what she does:

(You have to turn the sound up a little bit! If I got too close she stopped)

It's so adorable! Austin was able to first see this last night, where we took an even longer video of her looking straight at her duck and talking to it.  

Kenzington only seems to like to talk when I'm nursing her at night and it's generally to me.  A little shy maybe :) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh darn you and your adorable children! It's almost like she's trying to sing sometimes :) Sooooo cute!


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