
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Le Sigh!  

So we are having some major issues.  The girls don't seem to be eating much at all during the day.  They scream and cry, arching their back as if in pain.  We have tried 2 separate types of gas medication as well as been put on Prevacid for their reflux.  One concern also is that it's the 2 bottles they are getting that is possibly "clouding" their ability to nurse well.  The 2 bottles a day thing will most likely end once this can of 24cal is used up.  So we can't really take that from the equation till then.  I'm seriously hoping it's just a phase of some sort cause I have run out of ideas!  It is definitely wearing thin on both mine and the hubs nerves, more so on his.  Today is the first day we've heard them scream so franticly and not being able to b calmed.  If calmed, movement alone just sets them off again.  

You'd think some parent of twins would have written a sure fire manual to these situations.  
Rule 1:  Always be prepared to comfort the other once baby A is B is just waiting for silence.
Rule 2:  You CAN go through 4 diapers in 5-10 minutes, trust us.
Rule 3:  Binki''s a trap!
Haha, and so on!

I'm really hoping to figure out this eating thing during the day.  No if, ands, or buts about it! 

July 12th is/was their due date.  They are officially starting their normal learning curve.  Sadly since they were born early they were considered to be 2 months behind on everything.  They already have done well on so many levels and I couldn't be more proud and happy at how far they've come.  I guess I just needed to be reminded that we are not in the clear yet, not by a long shot.

We just entered the real, War Zone....


  1. Sorry, I should have written the book. . . but then that's cheating! lol
    This too shall pass. Then it's crawling and getting into the plant pots. Walking and getting into the kitchen drawers and getting their fingers smushed. Then they try on your shoes to walk in, fall, and cut their lip open on the air conditioning vent. Then the fighing. . . This is the simple part (sort-of). You can still walk out of the room and not have them follow at this point.

  2. Sorry, I should have written the book. . . but then that's cheating! lol
    This too shall pass. Then it's crawling and getting into the plant pots. Walking and getting into the kitchen drawers and getting their fingers smushed. Then they try on your shoes to walk in, fall, and cut their lip open on the air conditioning vent. Then the fighing. . . This is the simple part (sort-of). You can still walk out of the room and not have them follow at this point.


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