
Monday, August 23, 2010

The Kayaking Lobster

Yet again Saturday my parental units come to the rescue.  We were invited to go kayaking with some friends of ours down the Provo river.  I'd never been kayaking before and had always wanted to try it out.  Not only that but I have been feeling like the house as a prison and really wanted to breathe in some more of this summer air before it was too late.

After dropping the wee ones off at the gamparents and navigating through Orem we met up with our friends at their parents place.  It was so cool to see as we pulled up that Betty's parents were coming along.  On the ride up I was getting the kayaking 101 lesson...who knew it could sound so frightening.  I was getting told stories of getting stuck under bushes, tipping over by touching rocks, stories or a deadly bridge that has water running sideways through it. (OK, not deadly but still)

I'm all for new crazy things but man they got my blood pumping. LOL
We reached our destination and within minutes I was being launched into the river filled with tubers.  I let out a dainty squeal as I was pushed away from the shore, wobbling into a pack of round red rubber tubes floating down stream.  It took a moment to remember my teachings of "stay centered", "don't lean over", "and whatever you do, DO NOT let go of your paddle".
Soon I calmed and got the hang of things.

The whole of our adventure took maybe 3 hours maybe a little more.  We stopped once along the way down at a rock, in the past used to have a diving board attatched to it, that we all attempted to splash passing tube goers. 

Everyone was enjoying themselves, a nice Saturday out in nature.

By the end my arms felt broken, my abs felt worked, and my skin was the color of a happy lobster.  We enjoyed it so much we actually plan on looking into getting a couple of our own.  

They offered to take us out on the boat once we got back, I was shocked!  This family is awesome!  :) The parents were more than willing to keep going and have a blast.  Sadly we couldn't accept, we had two little gremlins to get back to.  

Whom I missed dearly. 

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