
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

26 Week update

So I've hit 26 weeks!  I was told yesterday that I look like I'm 32 weeks, don't know how to take that lol!
The back pain is really starting to get to me, as well as hip pain while sleeping.  They move like they have all night parties and make my stomach do some crazy shapes.

We have a specialist appointment today again.  Seems like they are wanting to monitor me a little longer than expected.  That's fine.  The safer the better.

My mom and I went and got our hairs did yesterday as a birthday gift for me.  So I no longer have the same hair color/cut as my husband! hahah.  Dark hair is fun but I'm just so used to being my blond self.

Anyway, I probably wont have much of an update after this appointment but we will see!

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